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Effective Executive Magazine:
The Seven Secrets of Sales Performance Optimization : Technical Analysis

Sales Performance Optimization is the discipline of maximizing a sales team's financial performance over the short, medium and long term by optimizing how it deploys its full set of available resources - systems, processes, people, technology and finance.Some of the most effective sales performance optimization strategies are counterintuitive, running in the face of conventional sales wisdom.


Sales Performance Optimization is the discipline of maximizing a sales team's financial performance over the short, medium and long term by optimizing how it deploys its full set of available resources - systems, processes, people, technology and finance.

Some of the most effective sales performance optimization strategies are counterintuitive, running in the face of conventional sales wisdom. This article shares seven secrets of sales performance optimization.

Many sales organizations live at one of two extremes - no data or drowning in data! Strangely it seems that the ones drowning in sales data are not actually doing any better than the ones who are flying by the seat of their pants. Despite this any sales process can be comprehensively defined, optimized and managed using just a small number of key performance indicators (between 10 and 20). This data is easy to obtain and track provided you know what you are looking for.

A "Golden Rule" is something you always do or something you never do in response to some situation. Golden Rules are based on some previous positive experience which leads them to be enshrined for future use. For example, here are some quite popular Golden Rules:


Effective Executive Magazine, Sales Performance Optimization, Key Performance Indicators, Customer Retention, Sales Organizations, Customer Pipelines, Golden Rules, Sales Data.